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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our Introduction to AI course. Gain insights into the AI field’s history and evolution, and discover the profound significance of defining AI. Start your journey into the future of technology today!

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Overview of AI as a Field
The Evolution of AI
Significance of Defining AI

Historical Perspective

Historical Perspective of AI

Historical Perspective of AI

Dive into the rich history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our exploration of its historical perspective. Discover the roots of AI, from Alan Turing’s pioneering contributions to the momentous birth of AI at the Dartmouth Workshop in 1956. Uncover the challenges and funding cycles that led to AI winters, and explore the key milestones that have fueled AI’s triumphant resurgence. Join us on a journey through the past to understand how AI has evolved and reshaped the world of technology and innovation.

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Historical Perspective Early Concepts and Origins
Alan Turing's Contributions
Dartmouth Workshop (1956) and the Birth of AI
AI Winters and Resurgences
Key Milestones in AI Resurgence
Early Challenges and Funding Cycles of Artificial Intelligence